Students, Educators, & Faculty
Make every dollar count with free access to unbeatable deals in 25+ categories.
Anyone 13+ with a .edu email address is eligible.

PerkSpot has partnered with 1,000+ brands to provide high-quality, exclusive deals students and educators love.
Why PerkSpot?
Exclusive access to unmatched deals.
Unlock unique savings by gaining exclusive access to a curated selection of deals and discounts unavailable anywhere else on the internet. Did we mention it's free?
An effortless savings experience.
Finding and applying discounts is made easy with promo codes that work the first time and tools to help you save on the go like our mobile app and browser extension.
Deals delivered directly to your inbox.
You're busy enough as is. Rely on us to keep you updated on the best deals, exciting ways to save, and tips to stretch your dollar further.
Maximize your savings at no cost.
With PerkSpot the deals aren't only valuable but they have a substantial impact on your savings possibilities, helping you stretch your paycheck and achieve your financial goals.
What is a discount shopping platform?
A discount shopping platform is a private marketplace of exclusive discounts, negotiated by our team of experts, from top brands and local businesses. Members can access discounts at no cost through their Discount Portal and browse deals, search by brand or category, discover curated and personalized discounts relevant to their interests, and enjoy savings on a variety of products and services.